也许你家里的水味道还不错, but you occasionally 气味 rotten eggs when you turn the faucet on. 是不是难闻的气味, 奇怪的味道, 皮肤瘙痒, 水渍或皂渣积聚起来, you’ve probably come to the conclusion you need some sort of water treatment equipment.

你听说过软水器吧, 护发素, 和过滤器, but what’s the best for your home 和 what will solve your water issues? It’s helpful to underst和 water treatment terminology so you can confidently take steps toward improving the taste, 气味, 以及水的整体质量.


软水器是用来去除水中的硬度的. The more hardness in water, the more likely your home could 好处 从这个水处理设备. 具体地说, 软水器可以减少钙, 镁, 和 small amounts of iron by exchanging them with low levels of sodium. 结果? Soft water that prevents mineral build up in your home’s water pipes, 帮助肥皂和其他清洁产品更有效, 保护您的电器寿命, 和 硬水的其他影响.

Because certain minerals are 删除d during the water softening 过程, water treated with a softener may even taste slightly different than hard water. 尽管如此, the overall quality 你的水 will be significantly improved with a water softening system.


水 conditioner is a widely used term in the industry 和 each company defines these systems differently. water - right水调理器,使用365体育APP下载的独家 水晶对™ 媒体, 多任务机器真的会变软吗, 过滤铁和锰, 提高酸性水的pH值, 如果需要, 提供比单独软化剂更多的好处.

但并不是所有的空调都是一样的. 事实上, you may encounter some water treatment manufacturers 和 companies referring to their salt-free or saltless “descaling” systems as water 护发素 as well. 这些系统实际上不会 删除 hard minerals in water, so your home doesn’t actually have true soft water. A salt-free descaling system leaves the minerals in your water but changes their state, 所以它们不太可能粘在你的管道上, 固定装置, 和家电. They are not able to treat the other common well water issues like iron or the low pH of acidic water like a Crystal-Right water conditioner can.

如果你正在考虑给家里装一台空调, it’s important to know exactly what that particular system is capable of treating.


A water filter is typically used to 删除 specific impurities from your water. 例如, 如果你的厕所有红棕色的污渍, 你喝的水可能含铁量很高.  水过滤系统会使铁氧化, changing it into a particle so that it can easily be 删除d by the filtration 媒体 inside. 在过滤过程中使用碳或木炭, will trap contaminants like chlorine 和 sulfur so they can’t pass through, 改善口味和 气味 你的水.

水 filters can also neutralize acidic water 和 reduce nuisance particles, but they don’t 删除 hardness like softeners 和 护发素 do. 如果水的硬度不是你家里的问题, a water filter will 删除 the other nuisance contaminants you might face.


反渗透(RO)是一种更高级的水过滤技术 过程 that uses multiple carbon filters in conjunction with a semi-permeable membrane. This membrane has extremely tiny pores that help 删除 microscopic contaminants from the water you drink by straining them out. 事实上, ROs can tackle some of the more serious contaminants like lead, 砷, 氟化, 硝酸盐, 和挥发性有机化合物的仪器.

你肯定会注意到 一种进步 饮用纯化反渗透水时,味道和气味的变化. The equipment doesn’t take up a lot of space 和 can be installed under the sink to provide clean drinking water right at your faucet. They can also come in a commercial sized system to be installed in the basement 和 can provide purified water throughout your entire house.


UV water treatment is designed to 删除 microbiological contamination like Cryptosporidium, 贾第虫属, E. 大肠杆菌和病毒是肉眼看不到的. It does not 删除 chemicals or improve the taste or color 你的水. 然而, many of the contaminants it does 删除 cannot be addressed with softeners, 护发素, 或过滤器. If you’ve had your water tested 和 have confirmed microbiological contamination, 这种治疗方法可以去除它.

紫外线处理, water is sent through a steel chamber where it is exposed to UV light that disables bacteria 和 viruses by attacking 和 disrupting their DNA. 在这个过程中,没有任何东西被添加到水中. 光, 通常安装在家庭的主要水管上, 只是在细菌通过光线时杀死它们. Pre-filtration helps this treatment work more effectively, 和 some units include that function as part of the system.

If you don’t have proven microbiological contamination but want to be covered just in case, pairing Ultraviolet (UV) treatment with a water softener or RO system can act as a kind of total water care insurance. 有了这些单位, you’ll be protected against a wide range of water issues if 和 when they become present.


To recap, here is a quick reference to underst和 the capabilities of each system. Selecting 和 installing the right equipment is crucial in solving problem water so it’s important to seek the expertise of an experienced professional.

They will start by testing your water to uncover the science behind the issues. 从这里, a knowledgeable expert can make an informed recommendation that may involve one or more of the above solutions to tackle even the toughest water challenges.

Complete the form below 和 we’ll connect you with a certified 水权 professional in your area. All 水权 dealers are equipped to help you with your problem water needs.





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